Collection: Oli&Carol


“When we were only 16 (Carol) and 21 (Oli) years old -Carol in school and Oli in university- this whole life project started. We come from a very entrepreneurial family, from our grandparents to great grandparents, business has always run in our blood. We grew surrounded by the values of hard work, never giving up on what you love, perseverance and daily effort. Since day 1 our major inspiration has always been our parents, we owe everything to them.

We always knew we wanted to create a world from where we could connect our personal values with our daily work, a project of our own with a strong essence behind, and where we could make this world a little better every day. For us it has always been much more important the HOW we did it then the WHAT we did. And it turned our to be sustainable toys for cool kids! 

It all made sense when we discovered natural rubber, our core raw material, a natural & biodegradable source that comes from Hevea Trees. Following a very artisanal, slow production process, we designed a few references and very soon we noticed that this small idea could become something big.

Today we are present in +80 countries worldwide. Our goal is to keep expanding our categories and our international community & messages around the world. As well as to keep investigating to offer the coolest and most sustainable, innovative toys for babies.